Saturday, January 28, 2006

Waiting for news on Jimmy's job

Jimmy has put in another week with these lunatics. We still have no idea what the true status of his job is. Not a day goes by that he doesn't get a call from a coach or a general manager from another team trying to persuade him to play for them. Sounds like he's got any number of jobs to choose from, but nothing seems to move any further. This obnoxious coach let another player leave last week, only to inform him a couple days later that if he left he would have to pay back the salary for the 4 months he played for Olimpija and pay a fine for terminating his contract! Needless to say, we do not want to find ourselves in that same situation. This coach is just impossible. A friend of mine here made the most profound assessment of him I have heard to date. Brigitte said "God must of made a horrible mistake with him, he was meant to be put on this earth as a snake." Enough said. Keep Jimmy in your prayers. He is a consummate professional and has been conducting himself with the utmost integrity. I give him a lot of credit, he is a very special guy indeed. I'm not saying that just because he's my husband or the father of my children - really. Posted by Picasa

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