Saturday, January 28, 2006

The face of an angel...

What can a say about Miss Hotsy Totsy? It's a crying shame that we don't live in a nudist colony. If we did, she'd be completely potty trained!!!! She never, ever, has an accident when she is bottomless. If only she'd get the panties off her head and onto her butt, we could venture out into the world. She has no use for Pull-ups - she knows a diaper when she sees one. I guess the up side of this "free" living is the amount of $$ we are saving on diapers and their Pull-up cousins. What a site to see Peyton butt-naked building a "skyscraper" out of blocks! She loves her blocks and puzzles. She's getting quite good at both. Much to my surprise she knows most of her shapes - thanks to said puzzles. She counts everything in Spanish now, from the panties she won't wear to the green beans on her dinner plate. She has moved on to watching Dora on the French channel. In France, apparently, Dora teaches English! How's that for a twist? It doesn't seem to bother Peyton. Neither does the demonic Elmo potty book I just realized we have. For 3 months we have been reading a potty book that apparently says "Uh, Oh - who wants to die" - never realized it until some paranoid women sued the publisher and I read about it on the internet! Does that make me a bad Mom? My choice is to sell it on eBay for 3X the price I paid for it or to get a replacement - I'm still deciding. Maybe this is the whole problem with Peyton's unwillingness to wear big girl panties - Elmo's subliminal messages about potty training. Atleast it's not my fault ;) Posted by Picasa

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