Saturday, January 28, 2006

A gift from my Starbucks Prince

Kali helps me pick which Starbucks blend to brew this morning!

I sit here at my keyboard taking breaks to sip my Cafe Verona compliments of Jimmy's 4 hour layover in Vienna's airport. Never mind the fact that Vienna is less than a 4 hour drive from Ljubljana - these people have no common sense. Thank God. I have 2 more pounds of java thanks to their inability to plan efficient trips. He also brought me 2 bottles of Vinsanto back from Greece. It's like Christmas again. Between the coffee and the wine, these next 9 days should fly by!! My husband is a true prince!

Kali is marking off the days on her calendar. She is excited about her trip home and the possibility of us staying there for the rest of the season. She wants Jimmy to come home, too. But she can't have everything - atleast I hope she can't. If Jimmy comes home that means he has no job and that is not a positive development. No matter how Kali spins it. She likes her Slovenian life - a decent school, good friends, ice skating, Snickerdoodles - but she is old enough to understand how much she is missing at home. I've explained to her how fortunate she is to be experiencing life in Europe and I believe she does appreciate it as much as she can at the age of 7. But that doesn't change the fact that she is missing friends, family and the American "dream." If nothing else, these years she has spent over here have made her stronger and more mature. That will serve her well in life, probably more than her memories of this life style. Of course, her love of green olives, fresh mozzarella and nutella will be with her for a lifetime, too. Posted by Picasa

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