Monday, January 30, 2006

Goooo, Daddy!

This is probably the last time the girls will see Jimmy in this uniform. I sure hope the next team he plays for wears green. Really, what are the chances of me unloading 2 cheerleading uniforms with "Oliver" embroidered across the chest? I guess I know what they will be for Halloween this year!?!?! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 28, 2006

A gift from my Starbucks Prince

Kali helps me pick which Starbucks blend to brew this morning!

I sit here at my keyboard taking breaks to sip my Cafe Verona compliments of Jimmy's 4 hour layover in Vienna's airport. Never mind the fact that Vienna is less than a 4 hour drive from Ljubljana - these people have no common sense. Thank God. I have 2 more pounds of java thanks to their inability to plan efficient trips. He also brought me 2 bottles of Vinsanto back from Greece. It's like Christmas again. Between the coffee and the wine, these next 9 days should fly by!! My husband is a true prince!

Kali is marking off the days on her calendar. She is excited about her trip home and the possibility of us staying there for the rest of the season. She wants Jimmy to come home, too. But she can't have everything - atleast I hope she can't. If Jimmy comes home that means he has no job and that is not a positive development. No matter how Kali spins it. She likes her Slovenian life - a decent school, good friends, ice skating, Snickerdoodles - but she is old enough to understand how much she is missing at home. I've explained to her how fortunate she is to be experiencing life in Europe and I believe she does appreciate it as much as she can at the age of 7. But that doesn't change the fact that she is missing friends, family and the American "dream." If nothing else, these years she has spent over here have made her stronger and more mature. That will serve her well in life, probably more than her memories of this life style. Of course, her love of green olives, fresh mozzarella and nutella will be with her for a lifetime, too. Posted by Picasa

The face of an angel...

What can a say about Miss Hotsy Totsy? It's a crying shame that we don't live in a nudist colony. If we did, she'd be completely potty trained!!!! She never, ever, has an accident when she is bottomless. If only she'd get the panties off her head and onto her butt, we could venture out into the world. She has no use for Pull-ups - she knows a diaper when she sees one. I guess the up side of this "free" living is the amount of $$ we are saving on diapers and their Pull-up cousins. What a site to see Peyton butt-naked building a "skyscraper" out of blocks! She loves her blocks and puzzles. She's getting quite good at both. Much to my surprise she knows most of her shapes - thanks to said puzzles. She counts everything in Spanish now, from the panties she won't wear to the green beans on her dinner plate. She has moved on to watching Dora on the French channel. In France, apparently, Dora teaches English! How's that for a twist? It doesn't seem to bother Peyton. Neither does the demonic Elmo potty book I just realized we have. For 3 months we have been reading a potty book that apparently says "Uh, Oh - who wants to die" - never realized it until some paranoid women sued the publisher and I read about it on the internet! Does that make me a bad Mom? My choice is to sell it on eBay for 3X the price I paid for it or to get a replacement - I'm still deciding. Maybe this is the whole problem with Peyton's unwillingness to wear big girl panties - Elmo's subliminal messages about potty training. Atleast it's not my fault ;) Posted by Picasa

Waiting for news on Jimmy's job

Jimmy has put in another week with these lunatics. We still have no idea what the true status of his job is. Not a day goes by that he doesn't get a call from a coach or a general manager from another team trying to persuade him to play for them. Sounds like he's got any number of jobs to choose from, but nothing seems to move any further. This obnoxious coach let another player leave last week, only to inform him a couple days later that if he left he would have to pay back the salary for the 4 months he played for Olimpija and pay a fine for terminating his contract! Needless to say, we do not want to find ourselves in that same situation. This coach is just impossible. A friend of mine here made the most profound assessment of him I have heard to date. Brigitte said "God must of made a horrible mistake with him, he was meant to be put on this earth as a snake." Enough said. Keep Jimmy in your prayers. He is a consummate professional and has been conducting himself with the utmost integrity. I give him a lot of credit, he is a very special guy indeed. I'm not saying that just because he's my husband or the father of my children - really. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A poem by Kali Oliver

About My Rabbit
I have a bunny
he is sweet as honey
his name is Doodles
and I love him oodles
he likes to eat popcorn
his nails are as sharp as a thorn
he likes to cuddle
with him I huddle
he's better than a toy
I love my little boy Posted by Picasa

Kali says "Happy New Year"

A great New years eve at Nicholas's house. We had sh sh shampane and pa pa palacinkes. Nicholas and me watched Madagascar then we watched the fireworks. Then we had a lego fight. It was a very happy new year.

On jan 24th I got a very good on my test. Last test I got good on it. A girl in my class named Esti got exelent on her test. Next time I will try harder to get exelent too. Now my favoret sport is ice skating. I am good at it. I can do lots of tricks like spinning on one leg and jumping and arabesks. I go to skating lessons with Oleaka and Parmis. On jan 24th I had the same soup that I had on my 1st day of school - it was clear and there wer long noodles in it. And I had these potatoe balls and salad.

I've lost 7 teeth and one is loose. Two are coming in.

I can't wait to come home and see you.
Kali Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 23, 2006

We have no idea how much longer Jimmy will be wearing this uniform. He plays hard when he is given the chance, that's all we can ask for. His job with Union Olimipija is precarious, at best. We are praying for a more positive second half of the season!

Those of you who called me on this, here you go! A picture of me!!! You know I'm the one that is always taking the pictures, I'm never in them - never mind I hate seeing pictures of myself! Kali took this one, maybe she'll be a photographer instead of a hairdresser!?!?!

Our Toothless Fairy! Posted by Picasa

Bunny Love! Posted by Picasa

A Brave New World

I've decided to enter the realm of cyberspace with a blog about our unique perspective on life. I thought The Girls would enjoy sharing our fortunes and misfortunes abroad. I wish I could of started this years ago, but there's no better time then the present! Plus, I can have a place to satisfy me ever growing need to write!