Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Rain in Spain, Falls Mainly........ Barcelona. That was our experience. We started our week with lots of sun and blue skies in Toledo and, then, Madrid. The weather took a nose dive in Barcelona. We made the best of it. Kali had a great time, the show choir gave 5 beautiful performances and we got home safely ~ even if it was a day late and many dollars short.

Playing in the Barcelona airport. We spent way too many hours in that place.

Our bonus night in Barcelona. We made the best of it. We took the bus into the city, walked down Las Ramblas to the harbor, got some more souvenirs (just what we needed) and ate 3 great meals at the very nice hotel the airline put us up in. That was the nicest hotel and the tastiest food of the entire trip. The best part of getting stuck in Spain for an extra day was getting to enjoy Barcelona on our own, no tour guides. You know how much I love to explore in Europe on my own.

Castell de Montjuic in Barcelona. Yes, that is an umbrella. It rained in Spain and Kali made the best of it.

La Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's masterpiece.

Parc Guell, another Gaudi highlight in Barcelona.
Rowing in the lake at Retiro Park in Madrid.

We saw a great Flamenco show in Madrid. Those two dancers were fabulous, I wish I could pull off polka dots.
El Escorial outside of Toledo and the Royal Palace in Madrid.
Kali is walking the streets of Madrid with her peeps.
Medieval cobblestone streets of Toledo. A breathtaking city.

Soaking up the sunshine in Toledo with my first born.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg kali is the most beautiful girl in the intire world! and that picture of her patience and brandon is SO adorable! - kali oliver! [hi mom! im still in arkansas!]