Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter this year, we certainly did. The girls worked hard creating masterpiece eggs. Kali opted for more traditional dyeing. Peyton went with the tie dye and speckled kits ~ of course, she did. They were all beautiful and worthy of the centerpiece position on the table.

That Easter Bunny left a "mess" according to Peyton. A trail of jellybeans and nests full of candy that lead all the way from their rooms to their baskets. That rabbit must have nothing but time on his hands, he also hid 110 eggs all over the house. The girls couldn't of been happier. They ate their weight in candy and edible grass. Kali gorged herself on chocolate, it was a long 40 days without it. If you can believe it, Peyton literally broke into the Hallelujah chorus when she found the chocolate hearts in her basket. They were exactly what she asked for. Everyone was happy.

The girls had their hunt for "money eggs" at Aunt Marie's and Uncle Tom's. Kali found more eggs, but Peyton had a bigger payday. Smiles on faces is a good thing.

Now, it's off to Spain for a week. The good times never stop coming. We are blessed.

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