Monday, May 17, 2010

It was a Grand Night for Singing

Love from Aunt Marie and Uncle Tom. Kali received a new iPod Touch from her great aunt and uncle as a reward for all the hard work she put in at school and on stage this year. Hey, where's mine for driving Miss Daisy everywhere she had to be!?!?!?

The extraordinary Civic Theatre. The "God Bless America" Finale.

Extremely proud parents.

As exciting as the show was, by the 2nd night it put Peyton to sleep. Kali in rehearsal with her bball for the Sweet Georgia Brown number. This is probably the closest thing to the court as Kali will ever get.

Proud Mary ~ Kali does a mean Tina Turner impression. The Spanish Medley was great.

Kali did a wonderful job this year at the vocal music department's Big Show. She sang and danced her heart out under the stars at the beautiful Akron Civic Theatre. It was the culmination of an entire year of incredibly hard work. On top of being at the Civic 4 nights last week she also sang a solo at the Akron Public School's May Festival. The festival is a city wide vocal music show. Kali had to make it through 2 rounds of auditions to even sing in a choir at the show ~ she got a solo in "My Guy" and she did a great job. It was the absolute best birthday present I could of received. That girl loves being on stage and it shows. She definitely has her sights set on Broadway.

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