Saturday, June 06, 2009

Sum, Sum, Summertime

June is busting out all over! No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks!!! It's just biking, hiking, swimming and having fun! Kali has one week at home before it's off to cooking camp for a week at my Aunt's and overnight camp the following week! Peyton is planning on swimming everyday - she's our little fish. My work schedule has slowed to a crawl and I have to dig myself out of 9 months worth of clutter around my house. It's all good, I just pop in a book on CD and do what I have to do. Jasmine just follows me around - doesn't she look good for a 16 year old? She is spending her golden years as a very sweet and loving cat. Don't ask me why she spent the 1st 13 years of her life as a brat. Now she's making Bonehead proud, he set a stellar example for her during his 15 years - boy we miss him. Or, maybe it's just senility. I'll take it, she's great company now.

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