Monday, June 22, 2009

A Mid Summer Night's Dream

Summer is in full swing at 730 Hampton Ridge Dr. The school year came to a very successful end. Kali got straight A's all 4 quarters and she made Show Choir for next year. That's a really big deal because they are traveling to Spain in the Spring. They took 40 kids out of the nearly 200 that auditioned. So now I will be busting my butt to raise $$ for the trip to Europe. It never seems to end. Peyton got a really good end of year report from Pre-K and we are more confident in her ability to behave in class !?!?! The girls and Jimmy are getting tons of use out of our pool. For the most part, the weather has been great. As you can see, Peyton is always prepared to play. She is our mermaid, she loves to swim. Kali is warming up to the water - she still has to have her goggles!?! Kali spent last week in cooking camp - it was Italian Week and she was in heaven. We don't shy away from carbs in our house. She made homemade pastas, soups, pizzas and, of course, desserts. I can't wait for her to cook for me!!! Ricotto Cavatelli with Bolognese is what I'm looking forward to. She and I finished the week on a bus trip with my Aunt and Uncle. We toured all the ethnic markets in Cleveland and had a great lunch at L'Albatros in University Circle (it is almost impossible to get a reservation there.) Kali loved sampling all the food - she ate for 6 hours straight! Her favorite find... authentic Greek Feta, just like we used to eat in Athens. It was yummy.
We dropped Kali off at Camp Christopher on the 1st official day of summer, which also happened to be Father's Day. She was so excited. She is in the same cabin as last year (Jumping Serra - she already knows all the spirit songs) and she got the exact same bunk!!! It's the little things that keep her smiling. I hope the weather stays nice for her - it's supposed to be a warm week with lots of sunshine. Perfect camp weather.
Here are the 2 sides of Miss Peyton - all smiles or all ZZZZ's. We've been keeping her busy while big sister is gone - pool, play dates, movies. She sleeps well every night. She is starting to read pretty well and is doing "homework" everyday to "get ready for Kindergarten". She really looking forward to school, thank God.

Hope your Summer is full of Fun, Love and Sunshine - not necessarily in that order!

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