Monday, May 25, 2009


Kali and I had a whirlwind 3 days in The Big Apple! What a trip! Even though the bus ride took 11 hours - it was worth the wait! Our hotel was right in the heart of Times Square! At 42nd St and Broadway!!!! Talk about exciting! The first night in town we shopped and went to Ripley's Believe It or Not! Kali had a blast!

Our 1st morning was spent at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Yes, that is Kali scaling the pedestal. The weather was just beautiful! 80's, sunny, no humidity - we couldn't have asked for more.

Next stop - Ellis Island. What a heart wrenching place - so much hope and depair at the same time. Walking the steps of the immigrants was an amazing thing. Our country is so diverse thanks to the brave people who came through those halls.

Kali had her caricature drawn in Battery Park. She was so excited, I didn't have the heart to tell her it looked nothing like her!?!? The street performers were amazing. Kali's 1st Broadway Show was "Wicked" and it was spectacular! She will remember that performance for the rest of her life.

OMG - Zac Efron! A girl after my own heart - Bela Lugosi was one of her favorite figures!
The final day started with a trip to Madame Tussaud's and it was a big hit! Kali has to pick a figure she saw, dress up like that person and do a report. So many to choose from - her short list - Judy Garland, Josephine Baker, Lucille Ball. She got her picture taken with all of them, so we're covered. Then it was on to The Top of the Rock - the observation deck at Rockefeller Center. The views were amazing. We were let loose on 5th Avenue for the afternoon. Our highlights included FAO Schwartz and Tiffany's. Kali was so impressed by "the women's lounge" - how many people can say they pee'd at Tiffany's?

We walked through Central Park to ride the carousel and then meandered through the "Madagascar Zoo." No Melvin.
After dinner at Bubba Gump on Times Square, we finished our trip with our 2nd show - Mary Poppins. The ride home was quiet, Kali slept the entire time - she was worn out.

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