Thursday, April 27, 2006

Slap Savica near Lake Bohinj

Jimmy finally saw some of the Julian Alps today. He actually had an entire day off in the middle of the week due to "The Day of Uprising Against the Occupation of World War II." I guess his coach has more respect for war then he does for religion - Jimmy had to work on Christmas! And, of course, it pored down rain from morning till night. That's OK, the crazy Oliver's hiked up to see the waterfall at Savica. All 553 steps in the rain! It was beautiful, even in the crappy weather. I can only imagine what it looks like when the sun is shining. As we left, Peyton looked back and said "Bye-Bye Waterfall, Thank- you for letting me look at you." We tried to drive over the Alps via the Vrsic Pass - think Hemingway's "Farewell to Arms" - but we only got part way across because of the heavy snow. Apparently, it doesn't open completely for another 2-3 weeks, they are still plowing snow up there. We turned around and explored the area's of Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj, instead. It was nice just to get out of Ljubljana. Kali is on another school break for the next week. I now understand why they keep the school year going until June 23rd - they have half a dozen week long "holidays" throughout the year. Oh well, we'll make the best of the break. We are hoping Jimmy has Sunday off so we can drive to Zagreb to visit friends. I believe there is another trip to the Alps in our near future, as well. Jimmy got just a glimpse of the mountains and the gorgeous river and wants to see more! All we have to do is wait for the rain to stop and the snow to melt. Hope springs eternal!

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