Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter Masterpieces!!!

The girls are all smiles as they admire their handiwork. Look at those beautiful Easter eggs. (Make note of the fabulous egg holders Kali made in her pottery class?!?!) I have no idea what I'm going to do with the almost 3 dozen eggs we colored (of course, Peyton ate a couple as we went along!) Kali's friend Demi helped us, so she went home with a basketful. Nevertheless, we have over 2 dozen eggs to eat! That number might actually tide Peyton over for the weekend ;)
Today we are on a mission to find this ham we had last year in Croatia. That goes over really well here. The Slovenes eat mostly cured ham and I can't stomach it. The ham we had in Croatia for Easter last year was smoked. It wasn't exactly "honey-baked," but it was pretty good. We have been asking around about the "Croatian" style ham, we have a couple "good leads" that we will follow up on this afternoon before Brownies and Kali's "Portfolio Night." These people really are not helpful. I understand it's a bit of a national pride thing - we like the Croatian ham better - but to turn it into this week's episode of "Law and Order" is ridiculous. I'm grateful that Jimmy is "on the case," his appetite is more than helpful! I told Jimmy I'm ready to just throw in the towel and make filets for Easter dinner. I can see you all shaking your heads, I know - It's not Easter without ham!!!! We are trying!!!!

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