Monday, April 10, 2006

Going to church on Palm Sunday

Kali and Peyton make the climb up to the doors of The Franciscan Church of the Annunciation - or as most people call it - The Pink Church by the Triple Bridge. We are so happy to have finally found the elusive English Mass. Although, we were palmless on Palm Sunday. Evidently, in Slovenia it is BYOP (bring your own palms). We are currently without a palm tree, but most churchgoers improvised with an array of leafy sticks. A family from Kali's school shared their branches with us - olive, I'm thinking.

Yesterday, Jimmy arrived home early from his trip so he was able to come to church with us and continue our month long tradition. First, we drive around trying to find a parking space. Did I mention the church is smack dab in the middle of the Center? Then we have to pay 40 SIT a person to pee before church starts. While we fork over a quarter to use the bathroom, Jimmy buys freshly made spiced almonds for "Peyton" to eat during the service. Then we shlep the stroller up the stairs, run Peyton past all the candles in front of St. Francis while she is singing "Happy Birthday" and find our way to the little chapel that we celebrate mass in. The monk who celebrates mass every week is wonderful. Seeing as Jimmy and I were married by a Benedictine, we are partial to monks of any kind.

Although our methods might seem a little "unorthodox", the "soul food" we receive at The Pink Church is just what we need to get through the last couple months of living here.

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