Thursday, March 02, 2006

No rest for the weary - Me!

As you can see, Kali and Peyton were laid out on the flight to Frankfurt! Traveling coach is terrible, I miss the days of business class!!! We were lucky to be able to frighten away the man who was sitting next to Kali, so we had 4 seats between the 3 of us! By the time my two girl stretched out, I had barely any room to sit! What a mother won't do for her kids! They deserved it, especially Kali after the tooth drama in Detroit! We were catching a last minute "American" meal at Chili's in Detroit's airport and as we were munching on chips and salsa, Kali chipped a tooth. Sounds benign enough, until she opened her mouth and spilled about a pint of blood on the table! It was all I could do to stop the bleeding! I'm glad we were on American soil, we had plenty of ice in our water - just for occasions like this! We hurried to finish our meal and the only thing I could think to do was call Jimmy's agent and ask him to get in touch with Jimmy. That poor guy got all the gruesome details on his voicemail and then had to call and tell Jimmy. I had to let Jimmy know ASAP so he could find a dentist! The world's greatest Daddy had an appointment all set up for his 1st born the day we got in to Ljubljana! It's all taken care of, the good news is that it was just a baby tooth, no big deal. My kids just have bad timing! On a bright note, the remainder of the trip was uneventful and all 6 of our bags arrived with us! Add to that the fact that Frankfurt just opened a Starbucks and I dare say it was actually a pleasant trip. Both the girls behaved beautifully, got some sleep and did not fight! God was shining down on us (he must of looked away for a second in Detroit, but I won't dwell on that.)

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