Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Chuck E. Cheese is but a faded memory

Our whirlwind trip to Akron was over in a blink of the eye, but not before we took a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. We followed that by a viewing of Curious George, complete with popcorn and nachos! As you can see, the girls were very happy, indeed. We were able to visit with so many people while we were in town, but not nearly everyone we wanted to. It's only 3 more months until we are home for the summer! Hopefully we will get to spend time with all our loved ones at that time. Poor Jimmy, this is the 1st year of his European career that he did not get a mid season trip home! 10 months away from the "comfort zone" is a long time, he's homesick! I brought him back some movies, candy and his favorite granola (his request). The kids and I being over here this year makes all the difference in the world. I doubt he could of hacked this turbulent season on his own for 10 months! There is light at the end of the tunnel! Posted by Picasa

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