Saturday, July 03, 2010

Camp Week was a huge success!!!

Another week, another tooth gone. We were really hoping to get all of Peyton's loose teeth out before she went to Paganini's for cooking camp.... the last thing we needed was for her to lose one in a prized recipe. Jimmy finally got all three of them!!! Peyton was waiting for the hat trick before she put them under her pillow. She wrote a note begging the tooth fairy to let her keep all 3 teeth. She's a lucky girl, Flossie not only let her keep them, but Peyton also pocketed $15!!!

The time is just right for catching lightening bugs! Peyton loves it! She is relentless, those little fireflies don't stand a chance! She is humane about it, no jars for her. She sets them up in her butterfly tent -sans butterflies- and hooks them up with food and water. They actually live until she is finished 'studying' them.

Well, Kali survived a week at Camp Christopher and Peyton had a blast at Camp Siml! Peyton had a two for one deal... Cooking Camp by day and How To Be Spoiled Camp by night. They are two very tired little girls today! Kali said she loved the food, the mud pit, the zip line, the horses and The Dance. We are so proud of her for actually testing for swimming this year!!! Yay!!! Of course, she got into the advanced swim group (she is a beautiful swimmer, it's a shame she hates it) and she had so much fun. I have the pictures to prove it!!! Could this be the end of goggles and water phobia......nah, I doubt it. Miss Peyton said the best part of her week no particular order..... making meatloaf, playing with Suzie, making chicken pot pie, chasing birds with Suzie, going fishing with Dan, going swimming in the lake with Suzie. Everything is better with a Schnauzer at your side, apparently. I missed my girls, but I must admit I just loved the peace and quiet. I'm glad they are back. We have big plans for the 4th..... swimming, block party, BBQ and fireworks!!!! I think we all need a good night's rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol kali i getting to be a gorgeous kid not that she already isnt! kep posting i love reding about the family