Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dance 2010

Another year of dance training under their belts. It will be a busy week for my tiny dancers. Kali has her last week of classes and Peyton has classes and a dress rehearsal. Saturday will be crazy. I have to run a rehearsal for one studio from 9-2 then I have to get across town for a recital at 3. Of course, the other studio has it's show that night at 7. I thought I was done with 14 hours work days ~ guess not. Poor Peyton is in both shows, she's gonna be one tired monkey. Kali has two dances in the second show, but they are back to back. She will have 64 counts of music to change her costume, that kind of stress builds character. We will be celebrating on Sunday, I see a huge BBQ in our future


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