Sunday, January 24, 2010

January Thaw

Kali and her friends spent a rainy January Sunday having fun and just being kids. They ate their weight in junk food and worked it off by playing "Just Dance" on the Wii. Peyton had a couple friends over, too. It was so loud and so crazy and so much fun. A house full of happy kids is one of life's greatest pleasures.
Just like our college days, me and Steph dancing and partying well into the night. Boy, the past 2 decades have just flown by. It's good to know that no matter how much life changes, some things stay the same. Good friends, good times.

Donna and I have been going out together for 25 years!!!! At least we are no longer in our cheerleading/flag corps uniforms at Pizza Bazaar!!!! Now we are dancing at the Greenville Inn to Run, Avril, Run! I'm hoping that's a step up. Not sure of anything but the love of my best friend.

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