Friday, January 15, 2010

4 Day Weekend! Yippee!!!!!

The 1st long weekend of 2010. We are excited. I have to work tomorrow, but today ~ nothing but Japanese food.
This week Kali had her Character Tea project at school and she dressed as the great Ella Fitzgerald. The concept is, well, fabulous. The kids had to pick a prominent person and read their biography. Then they had to put together a timeline of that person's life and give a presentation in class. Most schools stop there, not Miller South. The kids dressed as their character and showed up at a tea party acting as their character. It was the parents job to ask each kid specific questions about their character and try to figure out who they were. The parents had to put forth some effort, but it was so much fun. Only one student stumped me, some Olympic swimmer. Not my strongest trivia category, I did get all the artists and presidents. Can I tell you how glad I am that Kali goes to that school?

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