Sunday, January 24, 2010

January Thaw

Kali and her friends spent a rainy January Sunday having fun and just being kids. They ate their weight in junk food and worked it off by playing "Just Dance" on the Wii. Peyton had a couple friends over, too. It was so loud and so crazy and so much fun. A house full of happy kids is one of life's greatest pleasures.
Just like our college days, me and Steph dancing and partying well into the night. Boy, the past 2 decades have just flown by. It's good to know that no matter how much life changes, some things stay the same. Good friends, good times.

Donna and I have been going out together for 25 years!!!! At least we are no longer in our cheerleading/flag corps uniforms at Pizza Bazaar!!!! Now we are dancing at the Greenville Inn to Run, Avril, Run! I'm hoping that's a step up. Not sure of anything but the love of my best friend.

Friday, January 15, 2010

4 Day Weekend! Yippee!!!!!

The 1st long weekend of 2010. We are excited. I have to work tomorrow, but today ~ nothing but Japanese food.
This week Kali had her Character Tea project at school and she dressed as the great Ella Fitzgerald. The concept is, well, fabulous. The kids had to pick a prominent person and read their biography. Then they had to put together a timeline of that person's life and give a presentation in class. Most schools stop there, not Miller South. The kids dressed as their character and showed up at a tea party acting as their character. It was the parents job to ask each kid specific questions about their character and try to figure out who they were. The parents had to put forth some effort, but it was so much fun. Only one student stumped me, some Olympic swimmer. Not my strongest trivia category, I did get all the artists and presidents. Can I tell you how glad I am that Kali goes to that school?

Friday, January 08, 2010

The Recipe for a Snow Day

Well, today was the 1st snow day of the year and the girls made the best of it. Kali had 3 friends over and they spent the day outside in the blizzard. Peyton chose to spend most of the day cuddling, in front of the fire, with Sugar Daddy. She did finally don her snowsuit and go outside to sled. And eat snow. She enjoyed both. I got the day off, too. Yippee. I got some choreography done and my classes will have a new play list to dance to tomorrow. A very welcome and enjoyable day for everyone. In every way. This week, we were also blessed by a visit from Miss Amya, Sasha's little girl. My great niece. I had her all day on Sunday and we had such a good time. She loved spending time with Kali and Peyton and she had so much fun with the kitties.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Bring On 2010 !

Happy New Year!
May all your dreams come true !

Kali bustin' a move Beyonce style

Peyton proving that she can Flex her Mind!

Kali gearing up for her Mind Flex game.

We had a not so quiet New Year's Eve at home. Kali had a friend over and they played and danced the night away. We made my addictive pretzel chicken nuggets for dinner, yummy. The best part of spending the evening in? Ringing in the New Year in jeans and a t-shirt.

What's the new year without some crazy fun? The girls had silly string and confetti everywhere!
This morning I was up early and cooking. I wanted dinner to be ready before Jimmy went to work. The pork is roasted and it was delicious. My eastern european ancestors would be so proud of my traditional pork, dumplings and sauerkraut meal. I also made green bean almondine, for any western european relatives rolling in their graves over the starchy meal. The holidays were wonderful, but it's time to get back to work. I have choreography to finish and classes to plan. Add to that a pile of uniforms to iron and I'm pretty sure I'll be busy all weekend.