Saturday, October 03, 2009

An Amazing Autumn

Somehow, we all survived my 2 week absence. Santa Fe was definitely an experience-see the following signs taken on my trip. Akron never looked so good.Now it's back to the craziness we call life. I'm working my 4 jobs, Jimmy's still working his 2. Kali is up to her ears in fundraising for her show choir trip to Spain. She's dancing, she's taking TKD and still studying hard. Miss Peyton is doing a stellar job in Kindergarten - top of her class, if you believe it! I sat in her 1st parent-teacher and could of sworn I was listening to Mrs. Marksz talking about Kali! We are so proud of Peyton for doing so well in school. She also lost her very 1st tooth! She really is growing up. Both girls did a fashion show this weekend - they were awesome. Watch out world, the Oliver girls love the catwalk!

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