Friday, September 04, 2009

Back to School Blues? Not Really

Well, Summer is fading and everyone is getting back into the school thing, except me. I have been furiously trying to get my family ready for my 2 week absence. I will be traveling to Santa Fe, NM for teacher training for my outreach job. I am excited about the trip, but it has not been easy preparing for it. I'm gonna miss my sweet girls, I know Kali will be OK (she's use to being on her own) but Peyton is a different matter. She is a Momma's girl and she's never been without me for more than 2 days! Let's hope Jimmy can keep his head above the water, I'm grateful that he is even willing to try.
We spent the last day of vacation at East Harbor Beach. The girls had a great time playing in Lake Erie. It was a picture perfect day and a wonderful way to bring Summer to a close.

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