Saturday, December 27, 2008

Visions of Sugar Plums Dancing in their Heads

Peyton did an awesome job at her Christmas Program, I was so incredibly proud of her. She sang a solo - Up on the House Top - and brought the house down(pun intended). The ironic thing, Kali sang that same song as a solo at her preschool in Greece. My girls are amazing, I'm so blessed. Peyton rounded out her December at school with Breakfast with Santa and a Gingerbread House that her Daddy helped her make.
I was able to suprise my sweet angels with a trip on the Polar Express the week before Christmas. What a great time we had with our friends, the Spoerndles. We ate cookies, drank hot cocoa and sang Christmas carols. Of course, Peyton snagged the microphone to sing "Up on the House Top" and promptly told the train full of people to "Just sing the Ho,Ho,Ho's." She is not shy.

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