Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School Blues

We spent the very last day of summer break at Cedar Point. The weather was bright and sunny and the girls rode the rides all day long. It was a wonderful end to a fabulous summer. Kali worked her way up to riding the Magnum, but she chickened out when it came to the Millennium Coaster. Of course, Peyton wanted to ride everything, but she just wasn't quite tall enough. Wait until next year, she'll be a roller coaster addict!!!

Kali tested for her brown belt at the park before the big Tae Kwon Do picnic. She is so excited, only red and red/black belts to go before the holy grail of all belt tests. She is focused on that black belt - maybe she'll test next June. Keep you fingers crossed, I hear training kicks up a notch after this one.
Kali's 1st day at Miller South School of Visual and Performing Arts went well. She is excited about her vocal program. She's a little nervous about Show Choir auditions, she only has a couple weeks to prepare. This is her teacher, Mrs. Heffernan. I think 4th grade will be her best yet!!!! Can believe how grown up she is? It makes me so sad.

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