Tuesday, July 08, 2008

4th of July Weekend

Andrew & Peyton enjoying the bonfire

The Oliver Family had a great 4th of July. Even though Jimmy had to work all weekend, we made the most of our time together. On the 4th we were up bright and early preparing for a BBQ. Jimmy grilled his "world famous" ribs. I made my equally famous baked beans. By 11:30 we had the makings of a 1st class BBQ on our deck and we ate ourselves silly!! Of course, when Jimmy left for work a couple of hours later, the 3 Oliver girls took a nap before we went to the 2nd BBQ of the day at our neighbors house. We had so much fun at the picnic we were too tired to drive downtown for the fireworks! It all worked out in the end because we spent the following afternoon and evening at Clay's Park with Donna and her family. We watched the park's fireworks - they were surprisingly awesome! To top the weekend off, we spent the next morning at our pool - as you can see Peyton is a big fan of the pool. Then we drove to see my aunt, uncle and grandma for yet another BBQ. We made the most of our independence on this gorgeous Independence Weekend.

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