Saturday, November 17, 2007

Kali's living the "green" life

Kali tested for her green belt in TaeKwonDo and she passed with flying colors. She was so nervous, but felt much better when she saw that her friend Caroline was also testing - safety in numbers, I suppose. Now she is at the bottom of the pecking order in the intermediate class and she starts contact sparring! That's OK - she needs to get knocked down a bit. She's a little full of herself. This week also brought success at school - a 4.0 ! Straight A's was a huge accomplishment for her, she worked her tail off this semester. The only problem is that now the bar is set pretty high, she'll have to work much harder to maintain those grades. TaeKwonDo has definitely helped her concentration and self-discipline. I can't wait for Peyton to start down the Martial Arts road - she can use plenty of discipline!!!!

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