Friday, November 16, 2007

All Aboard.....The Polar Express

It was a chilly November evening when 5 unsuspecting girls in their PJ's boarded a train in the dark. The trip was full of singing, cookies and hot cocoa. The girls and their Grammie enjoyed the Polar Express ride all the way to the North Pole!!!! The elves made the trip extra-special with all their "magic" - the big guy even made an appearance! He had a silver bell for each little one on the "nice" list. The elves must of made a mistake with the name tags since all 5 girls received a bell!!!! Peyton asked Mr. C for a "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and Kali wants a metal detector - we'll see what is under the tree Christmas morning. What a wonderful way to start our holiday season! (even if it's a little early).

1 comment:

Grammie said...

This time I just have to leave a comment or two. Grammie would like to just tell her 5 darling imps just how special sharing this experience with all of you was. What a wonderful start to my holiday? Although I must admitt I don't need a holiday to enjoy being your Grammie. BUT! seeing the North Pole with 5 little girls with their eyes all aglow and rosey cheecks filled me with joy. I love you remember Believe and Santa's watching. Lov Grammie