Saturday, March 31, 2007

Feeling Like a Little Fridays?

Well, Jimmy's team played the top team in Europe and lost their shirts, shorts and shoes..... We needed a night out after that. So, we went to Fridays with his teammate, Chris, and his family. Can I just say, Peyton is a bar rat!!!! We didn't see her all night, she was literally sitting at the bar and making the rounds of all the tables. She charmed the Greeks without any effort at all. Of course, it was karoake night and she didn't miss an opportunity to sing. Sally, Chris' wife, sang a little Tina Turner and was great. We tried to get Jimmy to sing R Kelly, but to no avail. Probably a blessing in disguise. Kali has another "boyfriend," CJ. We'll see how this plays out next week with her "men." Alexander is coming for a visit and will be staying for a few days. Kali will have to divide her attention between the two. Jimmy's season was extended by another week, which sucks. These barbaric fans over here killed a guy at a women's volleyball game between the 2 rivals teams. So they canceled all sporting events this weekend out of respect. I hope he will be home by Kali's 1st communion - it's starting to get iffy.

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