Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We wish you a Merry Christmas!!!!!

Although, it was not a white Christmas, the Oliver Family was blessed with an abundance of love...and gifts!! Christmas Eve was spent with my Aunt, my Uncle and my Grandma. We went to church, then ate dinner at a wonderful little tavern (complete with a chocolate fountain) and then it was back to their house for presents. Boy, did my two girls get spoiled!!!! I guess that is what Aunts, Uncles and Grandma's do! They were so happy when they saw all their treasures. Both little elves fell asleep on the drive home, you know what hard work opening a sack full of presents is.

On Christmas morning, they were up bright and early and Santa Claus did not disappoint! Stockings full of treats and all their Christmas wishes come true! A Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, two dolls, a metal detector and a collection of books! Even Jasmine, our cat, received a new bed! Then the big guy made a special trip back to 730 Hampton Ridge Drive, he found two undelivered packages at the bottom of his sack when he finished his rounds. Peyton was so happy to see him. It is always nice to be able to deliver a thank you in person!

We spent Christmas night with my Dad, my brother, Joe, and his wife, Kelly. A great way to wind down the festivities - a quiet night with loved ones. Peyton seems to have had too much Noel - she has a bit of a fever this morning. So,....nothing but a little cleaning, cooking and napping today. We have to gain back our strength to celebrate the New Year!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

We Love ChristmasTime in Akron

Decorating their own trees was so much fun! Add that to Advent calendars, the 12 books of Christmas and St. Nickolas Day and December has already been jammed packed with excitement! Kali got a solo part in her school's holiday show, she was so proud of herself. Then both girls performed in "The Nutcracker in Candyland". Kali was Princess Lolly and Peyton was one of Gramma's Nuts!!! You can check out some photos at - look for pointe west candy land. It is so wonderful being their Mom! I am so very blessed with two beautiful and unique girls. Not sure what I did to deserve them! They are particulary sweet since a quick visit to Santa tonight. Even Jimmy got into the action - I wonder which list he finds himself on!?!?!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

All the Who's down in Who-ville......

...big and small - put up the Christmas tree and had such a ball !!! The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...with hopes that Saint Nickolaus soon would be there!!! First, we had to get through a festive Thanksgiving that started with a morning visit from sweet baby Amaya! Of course, Sasha and Isiah came, too. We were so happy to see them. That's what the holidays are for - family and friends. We are so blessed with an abundance of both! The Oliver's had plenty to be thankful for today!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Kali's living the "green" life

Kali tested for her green belt in TaeKwonDo and she passed with flying colors. She was so nervous, but felt much better when she saw that her friend Caroline was also testing - safety in numbers, I suppose. Now she is at the bottom of the pecking order in the intermediate class and she starts contact sparring! That's OK - she needs to get knocked down a bit. She's a little full of herself. This week also brought success at school - a 4.0 ! Straight A's was a huge accomplishment for her, she worked her tail off this semester. The only problem is that now the bar is set pretty high, she'll have to work much harder to maintain those grades. TaeKwonDo has definitely helped her concentration and self-discipline. I can't wait for Peyton to start down the Martial Arts road - she can use plenty of discipline!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

All Aboard.....The Polar Express

It was a chilly November evening when 5 unsuspecting girls in their PJ's boarded a train in the dark. The trip was full of singing, cookies and hot cocoa. The girls and their Grammie enjoyed the Polar Express ride all the way to the North Pole!!!! The elves made the trip extra-special with all their "magic" - the big guy even made an appearance! He had a silver bell for each little one on the "nice" list. The elves must of made a mistake with the name tags since all 5 girls received a bell!!!! Peyton asked Mr. C for a "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and Kali wants a metal detector - we'll see what is under the tree Christmas morning. What a wonderful way to start our holiday season! (even if it's a little early).