Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring has us hopping!

A beautiful Sunday afternoon was spent playing at Croghan Park. The weather was great and the swinging was full of "cherry bumps". The girls had a sit down with the Easter Bunny. No amount of coaxing would make Peyton "sit like a lady" ~ she pointed out that's the reason she had leggings on!!!!! Then she proceeded to ask the rabbit to bring her chocolate hearts!?!?!? Where is that "bunny" going to get heart shaped candy in April?

My Tae Kwon Do Princesses. Peyton was a board breakin' fool. She won't take TKD classes, but she'll break as many boards as she can. It was for a good cause ~ Children's Hospital, so I let her break away. Kali had to show all her forms at Summit Mall. Even though she's not on the Demo Team, Master Jeon had her front and center. He loves her, he'd do anything to get her on the team. She'd love to, but I explained to her that we are at the saturation point. We simply cannot absorb another blessed thing. Let's see what next year holds for all of us.

Peyton is full of.......Resnik Pride!!!!!

We were so proud of our sweet baby. We were in a bit of shock when she brought home the letter that announced she won the award. And she couldn't stop smiling. She's following in her big sister's footprints, and is so happy about it. The best part for her, besides the coupon to Golden Corral (yuck), was the picture she got to take in the giant dog bowl. She thinks it's the best pic she's ever seen.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Vernal Equinox is Here!! Happy Spring!!

Spring arrived in style. It was a busy week for the Oliver girls, especially Kali. She auditioned for May Festival, which is a city wide vocal music show. She was selected to sing a duet! She was so surprised and excited about the opportunity. I now have plans for my birthday, that's the day of the performance. For the past few weeks she's been in "training" for the city track meet. Again, she was not expecting to make the track team, but she did. Anyone who knows Kali knows she's not all that competitive. This was her first ever sporting event and she did pretty well. She placed 5th overall in the long jump, again she was competing against kids from every elementary school in Akron. Not bad, but being the overachiever she is, she was disappointed. Her relay team got 3rd, that was great. Believe it, or not - Miller South School for the Visual and Performing Arts took 3rd in the city!!!!! Kali was so proud of herself and her friends.
For Peyton, this week was full of shamrocks and leprechauns. St. Patrick's Day is one of her favorite holidays. Wednesday was a gorgeous day, so she got to go to the park to search for rainbows and pots of gold. No luck. We did go out for corned beef and she saw people drinking green beer. She was mesmerized. That does not bode well for her college years. Because Jimmy's work schedule changed, poor Peyton has to come to the studio with me while I teach. She loves being there, I can't believe it. She even tries to behave. My teenage students just love her. So do I.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lady Liberty

The Statue of Liberty
by Peyton Oliver
I chose to do my report on the Statue of Liberty because I think she is beautiful and I like her blue-green color.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from the country of France.
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was a French artist who designed the statue and he made it out of copper.
The Statue of Liberty is located on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor.
On her head there is a crown with seven spikes which represent her divine nature. Some people think they represent the seven continents and seven seas of the world.
The Statue of Liberty was dedicated to the people of the United States on October 28, 1886.

Miss Peyton did an incredible job with her report. She actually stayed on script and didn't add her own ideas ~ which is quite a feat for her. Although, she still says her favorite fact is that the statue is blue-green, she did finally admit that she liked saying "Frederic Auguste Bartholdi."

She read her books all by herself and picked out the highlights for her report. Her big sister helped her write it and I printed it out for her. It was a true family effort. Mrs. Marksz said it was a great report ~ at least 2nd grade level. My Lady Liberty is so proud of herself and she should be, she was terrific! This is what being a Mom is all about!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Wild Mango

We spent a sunny Sunday afternoon celebrating Marsha's birthday at one of our favorite restaurants ~ Wild Mango. Poor Kali is still recovering from her oral surgery and she braved the pain and swelling to chow down on Baby Calamari, Teriyaki Chicken and Mango Sorbet. Peyton ate her weight in gourmet food, from every one's plate, as usual. Her favorite? The mushroom cappuccino, which was a delicious cream of mushroom soup. Add that to calamari, pot stickers, spinach salad, etc., etc. and I couldn't believe she still had room for dessert.......

Marsha is sporting her spun sugar birthday crown.

As usual, the desserts were divine. Miss P tried her best to eat through the 14 layer chocolate cake, and she almost did. I wish I could say I didn't enjoy my creme brulee ~ but I can't. It was fabulous.