Sunday, February 28, 2010

le Jazz Hot Baby

Kali with Mr. Joe Tremaine and Jeff Amsden

Another successful weekend in Cleveland at the Tremaine Dance Convention. Kali put in a stellar performance. She has made the finals of the scholarship audition every time she's been there and she won again this year. What makes me really proud? This year she moved up an age group. She was up against 11-13 year old dancers and completely held her own. Her ballet technique gets her noticed, as it should. But it's her jazz style that makes the cut. A dancer, with great technique, who can really move, I wonder where she gets that from???? The most important thing for me is that she had so much fun! That smile is priceless.
When I asked her if she would ever be interested in dancing with Tremaine, she had the most remarkable answer. She said " If the "singing" ship sails without me, I'll climb aboard the "dance" boat." Now, that's an 11 year old with a plan!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A MidWinter Night's Dream

We threw some swimsuits in a bag and headed north to Kalahari for some R&R. The weather outside was frightful ~ 20 degrees to be exact ~ but, the fireplace in our suite was just delightful!

Peyton finally is tall enough to do "whatever she wants to do!" She earned her 48" wristband and was so happy! She is actually knocking on 50 inches, but I don't want to acknowledge just how big she's getting.

It was all about the wave pool ~ it always is. All four of us were waterlogged by the end of the 2nd day. We managed to enjoy most of what the water park had to offer. It was nice just to walk around in 80 degree weather for awhile. Of course, Kali dragged me to the outdoor hot tub. We sat in the steamy water while the snow fell around us.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

6 More Weeks of Winter!?!?! You don't say....

Well, the 1st week of February brought a grim forecast from the Groundhog and a very unexpected snow storm. If only those 18 inches would of fallen 24 hours earlier ~ I could of used another snow day. The winter scene was just beautiful, I love being able to enjoy all 4 seasons to their fullest.

After digging out, we spent some time at Jim and Donie's. It was Cooper's 1st birthday. Smiles, games and laughter ~ what more could you ask for? No better way to chase away the winter blues than an evening with friends.

Peyton kept me company while I was ironing by cuddling up in the cubby of our shelves!!! 1st with her Leapster, than with Cinnamon. That little girl cracks me up every single day!