Friday, December 25, 2009

Wii Wish You a Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Every One! As I sit next to a roaring fire, sipping coffee and watching my kids watch "A Christmas Story" for the 50th time this month, I marvel at the blessings that have been sent down to us this year. The girls had an awesome Christmas ~ Kali's adjective. Santa brought the coveted Mind Flex game for both of them. The Wii Fit Plus was under the tree, too. I'm excited about that. I see Wii Yoga in my future. Kali also landed an Ipod Touch. Those of you who know how hard she worked selling raffle tickets for show choir to be the top seller (and win an Ipod touch) know she really deserved it. She sold 359 and was the 2nd top seller after someones Dad wrote a $2000 check for 2000 raffle tickets on the last day
:( Peyton is bumming that it's raining instead of snowing. She got a big girl snow board. Our new kitties had an fabulous morning and we are so happy they are part of our family. The girls planned the Noel menu - all appetizers! Buffalo Chicken Dip, Beef Dip, Bacon Wrapped Chestnuts-three of the most important food groups - pork, beef, poultry!!! I threw in some veggies for good measure. This evening it's off to Joe and Kelly's for more festivities!

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