Monday, November 30, 2009

MEOW-Y Christmas

We had a happy Thanksgiving Day, Peyton was in her Native American garb (aka a paper bag) and Kali dressed up our sweet potato casserole with tons of marshmallows. The big news of the holiday weekend was the addition of our two new family members - Cinnamon and Sugar Daddy! They are sweet boys we rescued on Friday. Our dear Jasmine is not doing well, so we decided to let her live out the rest of her days with the love of two brothers! So far, everyone seems to be doing well. The new cats were fostered, so they a very loving and social. The girls adore them and they seem very happy to have a home. Bring on December, we are full of love and ready for the onslaught of show choir performances, shopping, wrapping and festivities!
Sugar Daddy and Cinnamon

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