Monday, November 30, 2009

MEOW-Y Christmas

We had a happy Thanksgiving Day, Peyton was in her Native American garb (aka a paper bag) and Kali dressed up our sweet potato casserole with tons of marshmallows. The big news of the holiday weekend was the addition of our two new family members - Cinnamon and Sugar Daddy! They are sweet boys we rescued on Friday. Our dear Jasmine is not doing well, so we decided to let her live out the rest of her days with the love of two brothers! So far, everyone seems to be doing well. The new cats were fostered, so they a very loving and social. The girls adore them and they seem very happy to have a home. Bring on December, we are full of love and ready for the onslaught of show choir performances, shopping, wrapping and festivities!
Sugar Daddy and Cinnamon

Friday, November 06, 2009

Sensational 6th

Peyton got the coveted Zhu Zhu pets for her birthday from Aunt Marie and as you can see - she was elated. She can't get enough of those robo hamsters!

Friday night was a party at Build-a-Bear and everyone had fun with their special new friend! Peyton named her gray kitty Snicklefritz - of course she did. Now we are down to one last birthday party, next Sunday for both girls! Nothing like getting a birthday month!!!!

Monday, November 02, 2009

So She Thinks She Can Dance

Kali and Stepp Stewart at Stepp With Me Dance Workshop
November started off with excitement as Kali won a scholarship at Stepp Stewart's Dance Convention!!! Go Kali! After a week of birthday celebrations, Halloween parties and trick or treating I didn't have high expectations for the workshop. I guess the extra hour of sleep did her a world of good. After 6 master classes, she was picked for a scholarship. I am so proud of her. The most important thing - she had so much fun!!!! Stepp is always ready to give you a good time. The 9 hours I spent with the dancers at the workshop really did fly by - all his teachers were fabulous and entertaining.

Happy Halloween!!!!

Peyton was full of Halloween Spirit! She was every bit the mischievous Stitch she dressed as. The weather was great for her school parade - complete with the Firestone marching band! She had a blast.

Miss Kali was the quintessential "flower garden." If you can believe it, I made her costume. The costume theme at Miller South was "making the world a better place." Trust me I tried to buy her a costume, but after the 3rd costume store filled with Gothic cheerleader, naughty nurse and Hannah Montana get ups, I relented and made the costume. Now I have 10 lbs of candy to eat for my efforts!