Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rockin' with The Imagination Movers

Be still my beating heart - it's Rich!!!!

Peyton's Birthday came a few days early, thanks to the Imagination Mover's Concert in Mansfield! She was over the moon! We went to her favorite restaurant "Red Lobster's" and then made the hour long trek to see the boys! We managed to keep the concert a secret until we were in the lobby of the theater! She could not contain her excitement. To make the most of an already great evening, Rich (the totally cute one and I'm dead serious) shook her hand, gave her a smile and a "Hey Girl." She fell asleep with scribble sticks in her hands and a smile on her face. No school on her actual birthday means that the party is just starting for Miss Peyton. Six looks to be a very promising year for her!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kali's 11th Birthday - Spa Style

Kali and 7 of her friends had a great time at Spa 730! The evening started with spa fare on the menu - complete with veggie sushi! The girls then rotated through the mani/pedi station, the facial station and the massage station. Kelly and Donna were awesome! All the trappings were organic - the banana honey facial and the brown sugar scrub. By the end of the evening fingers and toes were in tip top shape and faces were silky smooth! The rest of the night involved dancing, skits and games - a good old fashioned sleep over! By 1 am the girls were asleep, mostly - and my house was somewhat back to normal. The morning brought homemade monkey bread and 3 lbs of bacon!!! These girls were definitely not vegetarians! The party was a resounding success and I couldn't of done it without Auntie Kelly and Auntie Donna - they rock! Kali is one very lucky, albeit spoiled, little lady!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Spooktacular Time for The Girls!

Halloween is in full swing! We have carved pumpkins and roasted seeds. Even though the weather has been ridiculously cold and rainy, we have been enjoying all that fall offers.
Kali had her 5th grade overnight field trip to Camp YNoah and had a great time despite the cold and dampness. We made our yearly trek to Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate the girls birthdays. Peyton is big enough to ride all the water slides by herself! She was so happy! We are furiously making plans for Kali's Spa Party and Peyton's Build-A-Bear Extravaganza. The autumn is always action packed for us. This year the addition of the ever multiplying fundraisers for show choir - concession stand at Zips games, tagging, bake sales, Reggae Brunch, OSU raffle tickets, etc., etc. - has made for very little down time. I guess I should be glad that the weather has been so crappy - no time to enjoy the Hiking Spree this year!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

An Amazing Autumn

Somehow, we all survived my 2 week absence. Santa Fe was definitely an experience-see the following signs taken on my trip. Akron never looked so good.Now it's back to the craziness we call life. I'm working my 4 jobs, Jimmy's still working his 2. Kali is up to her ears in fundraising for her show choir trip to Spain. She's dancing, she's taking TKD and still studying hard. Miss Peyton is doing a stellar job in Kindergarten - top of her class, if you believe it! I sat in her 1st parent-teacher and could of sworn I was listening to Mrs. Marksz talking about Kali! We are so proud of Peyton for doing so well in school. She also lost her very 1st tooth! She really is growing up. Both girls did a fashion show this weekend - they were awesome. Watch out world, the Oliver girls love the catwalk!