Sunday, March 08, 2009

What happens if you give a monkey a cup of coffee?

That ditty came from Miss Peyton one day. She contemplated the effects of caffeine on primates for way too long. She's one complicated little girl. Jimmy and I went to her Pre-K class and made Blueberry Muffins to celebrate her 100th day of school. The kids did a great job. They were yummy! Peyton was so happy that we made such an elaborate treat for her snack day.

It has been a hectic 2009! I can't believe it's already March! I have been teaching upwards of 20 classes a week and time is just flying. The girls have been crazy busy,too. Kali sang the National Anthem at the City Basketball Championship Game and it was just lovely. We also spent a weekend dancing at the Tremaine Convention in Cleveland. She was ill, but sucked it up and took all 11 classes! She's a work horse!
That's Kali in the center - with a fabulous grand jete! And that is Mr. Joe Tremaine giving Kali a bear hug. Granny K in her costume for the 100th day of school.

Kali finished her strings exploratory with a recommendation to play the viola in the school orchestra next year - she is so excited! Me - not so much. Atleast she'll be sticking to the piano lessons until the fall. The next few weeks will be filled with performances, dance competitions and spring breaks. Bring it on!

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