Wednesday, May 14, 2008

4 Generations on Mother's Day

Even though Sunday was quite dreary, Mother's Day was as bright as could be. Factor in that it was my birthday and I had an exceptional day.  My Grandmother reminded me that I was born on Mother's Day. I realize that, although I wasn't much of a gift to my mother - my Grandmother and my Aunt were over the moon on the day I was born. They still seem pleased to watch me go through life. I know they love my kids, for their presence in those girls lives  I will forever be grateful. I might not of known what it was like to have unconditional from my mom, but God graced me with a Grandma and an Aunt who still believe that the sun rises and falls on my shoulders. Life always seems to even out in the end. We had a great brunch at Lake Pundersen, Peyton was mesmerized by the player piano & Kali ate her weight in prime rib. That was the perfect way to spend the afternoon - eating, drinking and laughing with my family.

P.S. doesn't my Grandma look great for 90 1/2 ?!?!?

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