Saturday, May 31, 2008

May Flowers

To me, there's nothing better than Lilac scented Spring air. Jimmy and the girls have been busy planting tons of May flowers and our front yard looks stunning. It was my birthday present and it is perfect.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dancing Fools

Our Little Ballerinas after the Klinger Show

Well, the 72 hour dance blitz is over. The girls were fabulous - of course they were, they're mine!!!! The costumes are hung in the cedar closet, the flowers are wilting in vases and my 2 little dancers are dreaming sweet dancing dreams! Now it's time for me to sleep, I am wiped out from being "Mom"!!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Sweet Broadway Baby

Princess Peyton in her dress rehearsal for Miss Trixie!!!! Doesn't she look great? That's my little cheeseball!! One dress rehearsal down, one more to go. Add 2 performances to the mix and this is one crazy weekend.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kali's End of Year Field Trip

Jimmy and Kali spent the day retracing the steps of early Akronites. Who would of guessed just how exciting a trip through historic Akron could be? Kali's favorite part was Perkins mansion - it is haunted!!!! She enjoyed the Old Stone School house, too. She thought the dunce hat was the best. We have spent so much time in the last decade learning about the history of Europe by visiting museums and ruins while we were there, it was kind of nice for her to explore the history outside her own front door. Plus a day with Daddy is always a treat, especially since he's working now.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

4 Generations on Mother's Day

Even though Sunday was quite dreary, Mother's Day was as bright as could be. Factor in that it was my birthday and I had an exceptional day.  My Grandmother reminded me that I was born on Mother's Day. I realize that, although I wasn't much of a gift to my mother - my Grandmother and my Aunt were over the moon on the day I was born. They still seem pleased to watch me go through life. I know they love my kids, for their presence in those girls lives  I will forever be grateful. I might not of known what it was like to have unconditional from my mom, but God graced me with a Grandma and an Aunt who still believe that the sun rises and falls on my shoulders. Life always seems to even out in the end. We had a great brunch at Lake Pundersen, Peyton was mesmerized by the player piano & Kali ate her weight in prime rib. That was the perfect way to spend the afternoon - eating, drinking and laughing with my family.

P.S. doesn't my Grandma look great for 90 1/2 ?!?!?

Friday, May 02, 2008

Peyton Gets Creative

Today was Peyton's last creative movement dance class at school. She learned alot from Miss Fran - Jimmy and I were amazed. Of course, she really, really enjoyed herself. Now we have a bit of a breather until Memorial Day weekend. 3 days, 2 dress rehearsals, 2 different shows! Kali and Peyton will perform with their ballet classes on Saturday night and Peyton has her Broadway Babies performance on Sunday. Let's hope her hair looks better during her next 2 stops in the spotlight!!!!!