Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Tae Kwon Do Blues

Well, Kali has made her way to the land of the blue belts. She successfully tested for her blue belt and will now focus on the navy blue belt. You would think they could come up with another color, maybe something was lost in translation. Or, maybe, the Koreans just really like the color blue - in every hue.
Either way, it's another step closer to the black belt of her dreams. 5 down, 6 more to go. She also received her 3rd stripe on her nunchaks, she was very excited about that. Apparently, there are some black belts around that "only have 2 stripes"- who knew? Any way, she's feeling pretty proud of herself. As she climbs the TKD belt ladder she is learning that it doesn't come that easy anymore. She is the newest member of the junior black belt club and is feeling a bit lost. Of course, she can really kick butt with the 1st TKD dance (once again, I have never heard of such a thing - but there it is) only 2 more dances to master. They are hilarious to watch. Her ballet teacher would cringe, oh well, she really does love this martial art and can't wait to add "Black Belt" to her resume.

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