Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Full of Resnik Pride

Today was full of excitement in the Oliver household. Kali's Na-Na, Auntie Sandra and Auntie Dink happened to be up from Arkansas for a visit and they were able to be at Kali's school when she received her Resnik Pride Award. You can just see the happiness in Kali and Peyton's eyes, they miss Jimmy's family. We were all pleased they were able to share this special day with us. We are so very proud of Miss Kali, she's such a good girl. I can't believe how she is growing up, she's not my little angel girl any more. Pretty soon she'll be looking me in the eye. Time flies when you are blessed the way we are.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter, Everyone!!!!

The Easter Bunny found his way to our house and filled it full of eggs, candy and smiles! Kali was so happy to eat chocolate after a long 40 days of Lent. Her basket was filled to the brim with dark chocolate, her favorite. Peyton was thrilled that her basket was filled with Kit Kat's - her favorite. Now it's on to church, then Easter dinner with my family. Even though it is 20 degrees Fahrenheit outside, our hearts are filled with His Love on this blessed day.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hippity-Hoppity...A Blizzard's On It's Way

Although the Easter Bunny was at the mall and the girls were all smiles in their special dresses and Thursday was the 1st day of Spring - we are expecting 6 inches of snow overnight. Springtime in Ohio, so exciting. Of course, Peyton is ill - extremely ill. Jimmy and I have had very little sleep the past 2 nights. Hopefully she will feel better by Easter, I'd hate to have to cancel any festivities. We are all looking forward to some egg dying and candy eating.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Fun at Faith Preschool

As I sit here, watching it snow in my backyard, I can't believe it's Easter already! I helped Peyton's preschool class have tons of fun at their Easter Party today. The kids had a great time singing, dancing, eating and, of course, egg hunting. Peyton is officially on Spring Break for the next 10 days. She's gonna miss Miss Trish and Miss Mel and I'm going to miss sending her to them. I wish that my girls had the same break, but they don't. Kali's spring break starts April 4th. Oh well, Peyton will have lots of "Mommy, Daddy, Peyton Time" in the next week.

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Note from the Blarney Blog

Happy St. Patrick's Day !!!!!! Drink Up !!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Miller South...Here She Comes

Thursday, March 13th was a great day if your name was Kali Oliver. She received the Resnik Pride Award in school, then she came home to open a letter from Miller South School for the Visual and Performing Arts stating she was in !!!!! So she will be studying vocal music for the next 5 years. If that wasn't enough, in tumbling class she finally mastered her round off backhandspring. She had sweet dreams last night. Tonight she's off to spend the night with Aunt Marie and Uncle Tom and then attend an Irish cooking class tomorrow. Life is good. Of course, Miss Peyton is not getting left behind. She, too, will have a sleepover with her favorite aunt and uncle tonight and she has her own Tots in Toques: Leprechaun Fun cooking class tomorrow.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Nothing Like a Spring Blizzard

Well, March certainly came in like a lion! Over 2 more feet of snow! It was a bona fide blizzard this weekend. We haven't seen this much snow since we were in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The girls made the best of it and, along with Kali's friend Gwen, made a snow fort, plenty of snow angels and got plenty cold. Of course, this was the weekend of theater plans. On Saturday afternoon, we braved the treacherous roads to drive to Cleveland to see Addy; An American Girl - it was fabulous. The bonus for making the drive was upgraded tickets!!! We ended up with 5th row center, definitely worth the trip. Then today it was all things Peter Pan. Peyton got to dress up in her much worn Peter Pan costume and off we went to the Civic Theater in beautiful, downtown Akron to see Cuyahoga Valley Youth Ballet's production of the classic. It was delightful. Before that we went to a brunch at the Akron Art Museum - that we could of done without. It was nothing special. I am not a big fan of the new Art Museum, it is not a very welcoming place. Maybe I'm just missing the Cleveland Art Museum - I can't wait until it's re-opened.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Tae Kwon Do Blues

Well, Kali has made her way to the land of the blue belts. She successfully tested for her blue belt and will now focus on the navy blue belt. You would think they could come up with another color, maybe something was lost in translation. Or, maybe, the Koreans just really like the color blue - in every hue.
Either way, it's another step closer to the black belt of her dreams. 5 down, 6 more to go. She also received her 3rd stripe on her nunchaks, she was very excited about that. Apparently, there are some black belts around that "only have 2 stripes"- who knew? Any way, she's feeling pretty proud of herself. As she climbs the TKD belt ladder she is learning that it doesn't come that easy anymore. She is the newest member of the junior black belt club and is feeling a bit lost. Of course, she can really kick butt with the 1st TKD dance (once again, I have never heard of such a thing - but there it is) only 2 more dances to master. They are hilarious to watch. Her ballet teacher would cringe, oh well, she really does love this martial art and can't wait to add "Black Belt" to her resume.