Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Star is Born

Kali and Doug Caldwell
Kali receiving her scholarship
This weekend found Kali and her Mommy dancing in downtown Cleveland with Mr. Joe Tremaine. 2 days of nothing but dance, dance, dance. We went with her friend, Gwen, and Wendy, her mom. A great time was had by all. Kali's 1st ever classes with Joe & Co. were very exciting, then it was dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. The girls spent quite a bit of time in the hotel pool and then topped the evening off with a room service "midnight" snack. This morning, at the ungodly hour of 8 am, the girls had a scholarship audition. Much to my surprise (and delight) Kali made it to the finals. Fast forward about 6 hours & 4 classes and Miss Kali Marie was the proud winner of a Tremaine dance scholarship !!!!! That's my girl, I must say I was overwhelmed with pride. She really loves to dance, and now that she's caught the "Tremaine" bug - Hollywood here she comes........

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