Wednesday, August 22, 2007

From Indiana to Arkansas and Back

We definitely put some miles behind us this summer. A trip to Indiana to visit the Brummett's and then 14 hours to Arkansas (plus 14 hours back) to visit Jimmy's family.

We had a great time in Indiana. The girls love to visit Jimmy's "college family," Mrs. B spoils them and Mr. B messes with them. A trip filled with fresh veggies, fabulous food and farming, what's not to love?

The trip to Arkansas was a different story. The entire 8 days we were there the temperatures ranged from 102-107. Ouch. With indexes over 115, it was unbearable. Thank God our hotel had an indoor pool. The highlight of the week was a trip to Memphis to see friends and have some BBQ! Yummy.

Now we are facing the last week of summer vacation. I can't believe Kali will be a 3rd grader in Mrs. Porter's class and Peyton is going to Preschool with Miss Trish and Miss Mel. Time sure does fly.

The springs were almost boiling in Hot Springs this year!

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