Saturday, March 31, 2007

Feeling Like a Little Fridays?

Well, Jimmy's team played the top team in Europe and lost their shirts, shorts and shoes..... We needed a night out after that. So, we went to Fridays with his teammate, Chris, and his family. Can I just say, Peyton is a bar rat!!!! We didn't see her all night, she was literally sitting at the bar and making the rounds of all the tables. She charmed the Greeks without any effort at all. Of course, it was karoake night and she didn't miss an opportunity to sing. Sally, Chris' wife, sang a little Tina Turner and was great. We tried to get Jimmy to sing R Kelly, but to no avail. Probably a blessing in disguise. Kali has another "boyfriend," CJ. We'll see how this plays out next week with her "men." Alexander is coming for a visit and will be staying for a few days. Kali will have to divide her attention between the two. Jimmy's season was extended by another week, which sucks. These barbaric fans over here killed a guy at a women's volleyball game between the 2 rivals teams. So they canceled all sporting events this weekend out of respect. I hope he will be home by Kali's 1st communion - it's starting to get iffy.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Exploring the Lands of the Gods

I must say, I was surprised when I arrived on Athenian soil - I truly miss this place. True, it is full of cranky old Greeks, filth and traffic, but it has a charm all it's own that you simply cannot ignore. My friend Brigitte picked us up from the airport and was a wonderful hostess. Our hotel had a great view of the Acropolis, as you can see. We spent the first day at ACS (The American Community School) watching Alexander and the rest of the elementary school sing and dance in true Greek fashion in celebration of Greek Independence Day. Then it was on to our old stomping ground - Maroussi - for some fun at Luna Park and a quick trip to "The Mall." So much has changed in the 4 years since I left. There is now a Starbucks on every corner!!! I could of used that when I was living here. We finished that 1st day with the most amazing meal at a taverna in the center of Athens. I forgot how much I like Greek food when it is authentic. I ate more that night then I've eaten in 6 months! It helps to go to a taverna with a Greek. Yanni ordered so much food we didn't even touch 2 of the plates!
Kali spent the weekend sleeping at Alexander's flat, she was so happy to see him. On Saturday we went to Glyfada, which is a suburb on the sea. We ate at one of Jimmy's favorite restaurants - La Pasteria. The kids wanted pasta - I wanted more Greek food!?!? After that we took a stroll along the coast to a sea turtle rehab center and spent some time playing on the beach. Peyton and I called it an early night, early by Greek standards anyways. Kali went to the Greek-Turkey Football Match (soccer game) with Alex and his family. She spent the evening in luxury in a suite. Although Greece lost, she seemed to have a great time!
Of course, I had to live through another time change. That makes 2 hours of sleep I've lost this spring!!!
Sunday brought sunshine and a day cruise of the islands. There were six of us on the 3 island tour... a 3 island tour. Sorry for the Gilligan reference, I couldn't help myself. The Oliver clan, plus "Hey Tom", who was visiting from Akron and, of course, Alexander. We had a great day. That was Jimmy's 1st cruise. I've had the pleasure 4 or 5 times. This is Peyton's 1st trip to Greece, I left here pregnant with her. We rode donkeys, ate fish and fresh octopus and bought some art from "starving artists."
I was sad to see the day end, although the sunset was gorgeous.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Our Tae Kwon Do Queen

Miss Kali is now a yellow belt - yippee!!!
She broke her board on the 1st try and only made one mistake during her Kicho il Jang (10 movements). She was a little nervous about counting to 10 in Korean, but she did just fine. She's already talking black belt!?!? Next stop - orange.

Friday, March 16, 2007

An Evening with the Stars....

Well, the Resnik Learning Center Family Dinner/Dance was quite an affair!!! Both of the Oliver girls had a blast dancing the night away with their special "dates." Peyton took her godfather, "Hey Tom" and, of course, Kali met up with Lee Paolucci. After the Chicken Dance, the Cha Cha Slide, and plenty of Disney Channel music, the evening was capped off by a huge victory for Kali. I was able to win her classrooms scrapbook during the silent auction. She was so happy to take it home. She is already planning a viewing party for all of her classmates!!! Her best friend Tatum even shared her Daddy during the Father/Daughter dance. I'm glad we were here to attend such a festive night!