Monday, November 13, 2006

Birthday Bashes

Well, it's official, I am the proud mother of an 8 year old and a 3 year old! Although the birthday parties had the sadness of my mother's death over them, I believe a great time was had by all. Kali and 16 of her friends baked delicious pies - Kali made an apple one, Peyton's choice was cherry - and the entire baking bunch ate lunch in a vintage train car at Quaker Square. Peyton's party was a full blown Curious George extravaganza! The theme - Curious George Goes to the Circus - seemed to please all 60 people there! We had a clown who made balloon animals and hats, lots of games and, of course, a pinata! The birthday's were a resounding success, but Jimmy and I are all partied out! It seems like I've been writing thank you cards for a month! Being surrounded by family and friends is what I am most thankful for. Our friends turned out in force to support my family during my Mom's funeral, I felt blessed by Love. This past weekend I was able to bring everyone together for a much happier occasion - Peyton's 3rd birthday - and enjoy their company under much better circumstances. The events of the past month have definitely caused me to pause and reflect on my life. I realize that Jimmy and I are so very blessed. I'm not sure what we ever did to deserve so many wonderful people in our lives, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Thank you to everyone, near and far, for love and friendship. That's what makes life so very worth living!!!

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