Monday, November 13, 2006

Birthday Bashes

Well, it's official, I am the proud mother of an 8 year old and a 3 year old! Although the birthday parties had the sadness of my mother's death over them, I believe a great time was had by all. Kali and 16 of her friends baked delicious pies - Kali made an apple one, Peyton's choice was cherry - and the entire baking bunch ate lunch in a vintage train car at Quaker Square. Peyton's party was a full blown Curious George extravaganza! The theme - Curious George Goes to the Circus - seemed to please all 60 people there! We had a clown who made balloon animals and hats, lots of games and, of course, a pinata! The birthday's were a resounding success, but Jimmy and I are all partied out! It seems like I've been writing thank you cards for a month! Being surrounded by family and friends is what I am most thankful for. Our friends turned out in force to support my family during my Mom's funeral, I felt blessed by Love. This past weekend I was able to bring everyone together for a much happier occasion - Peyton's 3rd birthday - and enjoy their company under much better circumstances. The events of the past month have definitely caused me to pause and reflect on my life. I realize that Jimmy and I are so very blessed. I'm not sure what we ever did to deserve so many wonderful people in our lives, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Thank you to everyone, near and far, for love and friendship. That's what makes life so very worth living!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

In Loving Memory, Roseanne H. Klir

Grandma-with-the-black hair, Peyton and Kali
Aunt Kelly, Grandma-with-the-white-hair, Grandma-with-the-black-hair, Uncle Joe
On October 20th, Kali and Peyton lost their loving Grandma. She made the very unexpected trip to Heaven during an afternoon nap. Kali is dealing fairly well with her grief, she has 8 years of great memories to get her through, plus an ever growing faith. Peyton is still waiting for her "Grandma with the black hair" to come home from Heaven. She doesn't understand that her Grandma is finally Home. We all are still reeling from the shock and the reality hasn't set in. We will need your prayers in the upcoming months more than you know.

For the Love of a Princess and a Pirate

It was a hauntingly happy Halloween at 730 Hampton Ridge Dr. October 31st was a resounding success for our resident princess and pirate! They each collected 2 bags full of candy while trick or treating. The weather cooperated - clear skies, bright, spooky-spooky moon and no rain!