Monday, May 15, 2006

Hiking in the "Rain Forest"

Time is slipping away for the Oliver Family in Ljubljana. We spent Saturday afternoon hiking in our neighborhood. Kali and Demi earned their "Earth and Sky" Try-It Badge for Brownies with a lesson in erosion. When the weather in Ljubljana is nice, living here is very, very enjoyable. But when the weather is bad, living here is horrid! The unfortunate reality is that the winters are very cold and very long and the fall and spring weather is extremely rainy. We get out and soak up the sunshine whenever we can.
Jimmy's job is, for all practical purposes, over. He doesn't even dress for the games anymore. We are just waiting to get paid. It was a very sad year for Jimmy's basketball career. The good news is that it is just a few weeks from being over. They still owe us 40% of his contract, so he will be here until the end of the season to fulfill his part of the deal. Never mind, they have broken the contract time and time again. We are hoping we won't have to hire a lawyer! The moral of this story - Don't ever do business in Slovenia. It is still full of Yugoslavian suppression and corruption. Live and learn.

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