Monday, May 22, 2006

By the Sea, By the Beautiful Sea.......

The little seaside town of Piran is on the Adriatic Sea, across from Italy. It was so quaint, you could almost forget you were in Slovenia. That is, until you came across the unpleasant Slovenes in the restaurants, cafes and shops. When you look at this country from afar, it is hard to conjure up the image of Yugoslavia. The rolling hills, majestic mountains, lush forests and the little towns are just exquisite. Then you encounter the people - and no doubting it, it is part of the former Yugoslavia. Maybe this narrow-mindedness and cold, hard, unfriendly blood will be bred out in a few generations. One could only hope. It's a nice place to visit, but I would never want to live here, again.

Proof positive that we were all in Slovenia

Kali and Alexander

Peyton and her Niko

Monday, May 15, 2006

Hiking in the "Rain Forest"

Time is slipping away for the Oliver Family in Ljubljana. We spent Saturday afternoon hiking in our neighborhood. Kali and Demi earned their "Earth and Sky" Try-It Badge for Brownies with a lesson in erosion. When the weather in Ljubljana is nice, living here is very, very enjoyable. But when the weather is bad, living here is horrid! The unfortunate reality is that the winters are very cold and very long and the fall and spring weather is extremely rainy. We get out and soak up the sunshine whenever we can.
Jimmy's job is, for all practical purposes, over. He doesn't even dress for the games anymore. We are just waiting to get paid. It was a very sad year for Jimmy's basketball career. The good news is that it is just a few weeks from being over. They still owe us 40% of his contract, so he will be here until the end of the season to fulfill his part of the deal. Never mind, they have broken the contract time and time again. We are hoping we won't have to hire a lawyer! The moral of this story - Don't ever do business in Slovenia. It is still full of Yugoslavian suppression and corruption. Live and learn.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ex Pat Picnic Fun in Slovenia!

We spent a glorious day in the foothills of Ljubljana at the Ex Pat Picnic. Great food, lots of drinks and wonderful company. The weather was perfect - just under 70 degrees and partly sunny. Our friends from Greece and South Africa were there, plus we made a few more friends. Jimmy even spent a while in "deep" conversation with a ex-hippy who was at Kent State on May 4th, 1970! Now that was an interesting conversation!!! Of course, it ended up with Jimmy showing off his American flag boxer shorts - and he wasn't even drinking!!!! I, on the other hand, drank our 45 euros worth and then some. My friends and I made nice with the strawberry lady ( she was circulating with a huge basket full of strawberries) and the champagne lady (no explanation needed). Much to our delight, we never had to stray too far for refills. Jimmy insists that the food was good, I never made it past the soup - which was, indeed, very good. Sometime, while I was waiting in a food line, I switched to this fabulous cherry liqueur. Never made it to the food table. This "liquid gold" was the best liqueur I've ever had, of course the real cherries in it didn't hurt. I stuck with that for the rest of the afternoon. Delicious, smooth and mildly intoxicating - just what I needed. In good faith, I couldn't go to church after drinking all afternoon - so we shut the picnic down! Kali had fun with her friends, blowing bubbles, walking on stilts and having wheelbarrow races. She and her friend, Demi, where busting a groove to some great salsa music. At the time, that music choice seemed perfectly natural, but in hindsight it was a little odd. Did not really compliment the Polka music that dominated the 1st half of the day. Oh well, no one seemed to notice with the beer, wine, champagne and liqueur flowing. Peyton had the time of her life. Her Greek "boyfriend" Niko was there. They played "The Three Little Pigs" all afternoon in the play house. She also met and fell in love with her 1st horse. People were amazed by the fact she was not afraid of the horses. We all know her by now, so it wasn't all that unusual. She fed them, she brushed them and she rode them - over and over. Maybe she will be the equestrian in our family. Jimmy and I are in total agreement - this was the BEST day we have spent in Ljubljana. If there would of been more days like today maybe we would have had a nicer stay. It almost makes me sad to leave - we have made some great friends here! We are hoping that the South African family will find their way to Akron in the future - he is pretty high up in Goodyear! Hope springs eternal!

Just what Kali needs - longer legs!

"Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin"

Peyton's 1st Horse Ride