Wednesday, August 25, 2010

End of Summer Blues

Well, Summer '10 is winding to a close. Kali took her last BB evaluation test before testing for her 2nd Degree. Peyton and Jimmy spent a few days in Indiana visiting friends and family, Kali went to Spa Siml for some R&R and pampering. The last week of vacation will consist of 2 open houses, a trip to the beach and as much trouble as we can possibly get into.

The Oliver girls spent yet another Sunday afternoon working the alleys. Still can't bowl well, but we sure do look good on the lanes!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Dog Days of Summer

We have been so busy in the past month, I have been slacking with my updates. I can't believe that the start of a new school year is right around the corner. Where does time go? Kali in middle school ~ yikes !?!?! Peyton, a first grader !?!?! Kali is training hard for her 2nd degree Black Belt test that she'll take in November. I'm gearing up for another year of teaching and fundraising for the Show Choir. Bring on the Zips games!!!!

Cedar Point 2010!!! The girls and I spent a beautiful August day riding the thrill rides with Aunt Marie and Uncle Tom. Peyton is finally tall enough to ride most of the rides and boy did she take advantage of every inch of that new height! Kali even got adventurous and rode the Witches Wheel all by herself! An all around fabulous day!
Peyton spent one last year riding the "baby" rides at Camp Snoopy. She panicked every time she got up to the front of the line because the attendant took out the measuring stick..... to make sure she wasn't too tall to ride!!!! She's not my little girl anymore.
Take notice of the Gemini behind Snoopy and friends..... it was calling our names. We rode it twice! Peyton was a fan of the blue train and we won both times!
Peyton had a week of Vacation Bible School and she had such a great time traveling to "Egypt"! She didn't want to go to VBS and I kept telling her how much fun she was going to have, but she wasn't buying it. So, finally, I got flustered and told her she had to go because she "needed Jesus". When I picked her up on the 2nd day she seemed to be really happy. She said "Guess what Mommy? I think I did need Jesus". That's my baby girl. The three of us enjoyed the church's family picnic that week. Both girls ate their weight in cotton candy and sno-cones. Peyton cuddled up to the kittens and the bunnies in the petting zoo. She loves animals and they love her.
We attended yet another church party, this time it was Holy Family's Festival and a good time was had by all. The girls and I ventured into a fun house. I must say, when I was little, there was way more "fun" in those houses. This one was pretty lame, the kids just didn't know any better. At least they were smiling the whole way through.
The weather has been just perfect for taking in a double feature at one of the local drive-ins and we've done just that...twice! What a great way to enjoy a summer evening under the stars! The girls love it and they are so excited that they get to stay up past midnight!!! This one has an old school playground under the screen that just screams "Grease." I love being able to take the girls "back in time."
We also raised painted lady butterflies from their caterpillar phase. It was a great life lesson. Each girl got 5 caterpillars and they watched the entire metamorphosis. All ten became chrysalises and we were rewarded with 9 butterflies. Peyton was so sad when one of her butterflies died trying to get out of the cocoon. But, she was so happy when another one that she thought had died in the chrysalis broke out a day after the other ones. She called it her "late bloomer. What a great way to get a little learning in during the summer break.
We joined the "Kids Bowl Free" program and have taken advantage of it as much as we can. We are not good bowlers, we are not even decent ones. We are, however, very artistic about it. We bowl with fun & flair!!! In our world, your score is based on your creativity and your 'alley dance' !!!!
Jimmy celebrated his 41st birthday with his girls and a homemade German Chocolate Cake.
Peyton and playgrounds go together and we have visited our fair share of them in the past couple months. My sweet girl runs for the swings every time. This night, she decided to coordinate her lips with her outfit and really enjoyed the blue raspberry slushie her sister bought her.
Peyton got pampered when Miss Krista straightened her hair after she cut it. Peyton called it her "mommy hair" and was so pleased with it.... until she realized that it kept getting in her eyes while she was playing. She's back to appreciating her curls!
For Kali, it is the summer of popcorn. I broke out the Crazy Stir popcorn maker ~ yes, I'm a child of the 70's ~ and we haven't gone back to microwave popcorn since. We still had some popcorn from the Brummett's farm in our freezer and it is delicious with real butter drizzled on top!