Saturday, August 08, 2009

Living in the Land of Tween-dom

Well, the dog days of summer are here! School starts in a couple weeks, the kids can't believe it! I can't believe my kids are in 5th grade and Kindergarten!!! They are both trying to make the most of what is left of their vacation. Kali and her show choir are "Singing Their Way To Spain" by performing all over the Akron area. These are pictures from an afternoon at Szalay's Farm. Tomorrow it's a car wash! Yippee!!! She will be so ready for Disney on Wednesday.

Peyton took in a "Show and Tell with Trish and Mel" show Saturday morning and she had a great time. She's sad that she has grown out of so many of her favorite activities. Once she starts school, though, I doubt she'll look back. She's ready to be a big girl.
As you can see, Miss Kali had her braces put on! She is so neurotic, I mean, excited about them. She brushes, flosses, rinses constantly - hopefully she'll take this good care of them the entire 2 years they are on. I'm pretty sure she'll be over the initial soreness by the time we get to Orlando this week. She's worried about how she's gonna look, I meant, eat on vacation. She is officially a "tween" - God help us all!