Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lordy, Lordy - Jimmy's 40!

Well, July is almost over and the summer is flying by! Yes, we celebrated Jimmy's 40th with a cookout, german chocolate cake and a DQ ice cream cake. No, that is not the birthday cake that Kali is posing with. That dessert is a 14 layer chocolate cake topped with a spun sugar sphere (try saying that 5 times fast) that she ordered at the Wild Mango. It tasted as good as it looked! We have been exploring all the parks around our house and the girls are loving life. I am, too. The weather has been perfect for me - barely in 80's. I love a cool summer, there's no need for heat or humidity in my world. Bring on the jungle gyms!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Peyton's Pet Party Camp

Peyton spent the week at Show and Tell with Trish and Mel and she had a great time. Yes, that is a real snake all curled around her. Of all the animals, she loved the turtle and the snake best. That girl makes the most of every experience. This weekend she will be at cooking class at Paganini's and then a birthday party. Peyton is following in her big sister's "social butterfly" footsteps. Speaking of Kali, she just finished her 2nd week of Dance Intensive from 2:15 - 6:15 everyday. She loves the Modern classes and looks really good. Kali has her eyes set on Summer
Study in NYC - maybe Ailey?!?!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer in Full Swing

I just can't believe how the time is flying by! Kali is back from camp, the fireworks and ribs are behind us and tomorrow is Jimmy's 40th birthday! The kids spent the stormy afternoon at "All Fired Up" painting masterpieces for him. He will be so impressed.
Since summer began, we have been experimenting with new recipes and the results have been simply delicious! Peyton is enjoying the cold strawberry soup we made with fresh mint she picked all by herself from our herb garden. This week we were so happy to have my great niece in Akron. Little Miss Amaya is getting so big! The girls had so much fun "babysitting" her.
Make the best of the rest of your vacation - I know we will!!!!